Pioneer4you ipv D2 mod

The new IPV D2 evolved from the IPV Mini V2, and is much smaller and lighter in weight. This product is 75watt with temperature control.

Specifications of the iPV D2, Powered by Yihi SX130H chip

 Output power Min. 7 watts, Max. 75 watts
 Output power Min. 5 Joules, Max. 50 Joules
 Output Voltage Min 1V, Max 8V
 Output Current Min. 1A, Max. 25A
 Standard Atomizer Resistant Min 0.20Ω, Max 3Ω
 Joules Mode Atomizer Resistant Min. 0.05Ω, Max. 0.3Ω
 Temp. Limit Fahrenheit Min. 200F, Max. 580F
 Temp. Limit Centegrade Min. 100C, Max. 300C
 Input Voltage Min. 3.2V, max. 4.5V, Typical 3.7V
 Input Current Min. 1.3A, Max 30A
 USB Charging for batteries ? Yes


 Reverse Polarity Protection
 Output short protection
 Low resistance protection
 Battery low voltage protection
 Temperature overheat protection


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